Over a decade of glorious reputation and committed to excellence in Healthcare Services .
Are you a Pharma Marketing Person or retailer with Contacts to push Nutraceuticals and niche molecules.
Invest Rs.100000 and earn Rs.50000 per month by availing Franchise opportunity with guaranteed monopoly rights .
- Highly qualified and most prescribed molecules in various segments.
- Back up in all possible forms by highly experienced team .
- Several niche molecules
- Trainee by Highly experienced marketing professionals
- Latest and attractive packing
- Wide range of latent molecules .
- The best quality formulation for healthcare
We are an established pharma company interested to join hands with experienced pharma professionals with fire in belly to be entrepreneur.
Individuals who has contacts to establish our products.
This export certificate mentioning that we are keen to make alliances in export as well .
Download Certificate Click Here
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